Stone Haven VA Stone Haven VA

Is Sex Trafficking on the Rise?

There is no doubt that trafficking has gained tons of exposure in the last 10 years. People have become more and more aware of this issue due in part to movies put out by Hollywood, increased media attention, and government action around protecting victims.

In recent years, we’ve seen people become more and more involved in bringing attention to this important topic. You can also see that the number of cases reported has risen.

However, this is a very hard crime to track and keep data for. It is impossible to know how many people are actually being trafficked at any given time. This crime is hidden and in plain sight all at once. The only true data numbers we have are the victims of the people actually being prosecuted for this crime. And we know that is not the full picture, especially considering that only 1% of victims are ever identified.

And even then, survivors are very hesitant to prosecute their trafficker for fear of retaliation or because the trauma is just too much. So the number of traffickers that are ever actually prosecuted for trafficking is very low.

There are many things at play here. There has undoubtedly been a rise in awareness and a rise in reporting. The National Trafficking Hotline makes it very easy to call and report a tip. This has certainly led to more victim identification and prosecution of the crime. But a rise in reporting doesn’t necessarily correlate to a rise in criminal activity. People being more aware and being able to report the crime could be leading to the increase in numbers.

On the other hand, there has been a rise in online exploitation. The explosion of social media and online activity has made it easier than ever for traffickers to find vulnerable people. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children reported that there was a 35% increase in online child exploitation from 2020 to 2021.

You can see many different organizations report very different data on how many people are currently being trafficked in the world today. I’ve seen anywhere from 20 Million to 50 Million. All because these are estimates. Most people land somewhere around 27 Million.

So, the question remains. Is sex trafficking on the rise? Reuters did a report on this back in 2021 and came to the conclusion that while trafficking numbers are on the rise, there really is no way to know exactly how many people are being trafficked at any given time. We just don’t have enough evidence to say it with 100% certainty.

Whether or not the number of people being trafficked is increasing, we must stay informed and aware. If you suspect someone is being trafficked, always call the National Trafficking Hotline at 888-373-7888.

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Stone Haven VA Stone Haven VA

Does Sex Trafficking Happen Here?

Does trafficking even happen here?

We get this question a lot. And it’s usually connected to ideas people have about what trafficking looks like. If you’ve seen any number of Hollywood movies about trafficking, you probably have visions of girls tied up or chained, kidnapped, sent overseas or maybe even men with special sets of skills swooping in and doing the saving.

If these images are in your mind, it’s no surprise that you’re surprised trafficking happens in your community - and in lots of other communities. In fact, sex trafficking has been reported in all 50 states. But it doesn’t always look like the Hollywood version. Sure, those scenarios are possible, and sometimes plausible. However, it’s more often a crime that happens within a home, at a hotel, or at an illicit business like a massage parlor.

Sex trafficking is quieter and more nuanced than the movies would lead you to believe. It’s very often family members who are in desperate situations or people caught in addiction who need to be able to keep up. Again, it’s those vulnerabilities that lead people to make choices that they never thought they’d have to make.

To get more specific, it’s estimated that 14,000 people are trafficked in Virginia every year. Whether or not we see trafficking plainly, it’s happening all the time. And not just to women, but to men and children as well.

If you want to learn more about how to spot and report trafficking, our friends at Safe House Project have a great resource for you! Check out their OnWatch training. It’s free, takes about an hour, and you can start/stop it whenever you like!

It will take us being more educated and aware to help victims get the help they need. If you see something, you should always report it to the National Trafficking Hotline at 888-373-7888. If you’re in Virginia, you should also call the State Police at #77. You will never be at fault for reporting suspicious activity, no matter the outcome.

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